For genomics, we had to do a little research, and answer some questions. and pair up some chromosomes from today, sort them out into groups of 2 and find out why our chromosomes we're 2 different colours, if you would like to find out more about us pairing chromosomes with each-other. then tell me and I maybe do some more research about pairing chromosomes.
Monday, 2 December 2019
Friday, 22 November 2019
Ratio and Proportion
Walt: this is some week from 2 weeks ago but I forgot to post this work, So
I hope this can make my blog complete again. I'm very sorry for not posting.
Monday, 18 November 2019
Walt: this week for inquiry we've been doing a-lot of research of dna, And
I can't believe how much things we've learnt from looking at these little clips
Of dna. I really hope that this helped you a-lot with dna.
Thursday, 14 November 2019
Walt: This was week 1 work but I wasn't able to finish it on the first week
back when I came back to school, Because I wasn't there, And I forgot all
About last weeks work so I'm posting it now!.
The hungry wave!
Walt: This week we've been learning a-lot about poems, And how to make our
Own poems for etc, I hope you enjoy my little slide-show of all my hard-work!.
Pt england,
Term 4,
The hungry wave,
Week 3
Tuesday, 12 November 2019
Walt: this week we had to do a review on this little slide-show of how
Maths and working out problems can be easy to find, I think this is what I found
And I'm assuming that this is the review that we had to look at.
Pt england,
Review on maths work,
Term 4,
Week 3
Walt: this was unfinished work from week 2, And I just finally found my work
From that week, Because I forgot about this weeks work, so I managed to find
Last weeks work and I am now posting it!.
Pt england,
Term 4,
week 2
Monday, 11 November 2019
Smallest to biggest.
Today in inquiry, we had a project to do with a few of the living
kingdoms in the world, of dna!, and what the smallest to biggest, cells
Monday, 4 November 2019
Harmful plastic bags.
Week 2 I wasn't here to learn and study about all of these questions, that we're
gonna be in this little slide-show but I've tried my best to try and connect to half of
these answers, that are in this slide. and I hope you can connect with me
and the struggle that I had to go through to get these answers.
Thursday, 31 October 2019
Percents, Fractions & Decimals.
This week we've been finishing off old work from last week, because I wasn't here
So here are the results of the work that I did today, I hope you really enjoy this little.
Slide-show of nothing!.
Ratio Practice
This week we've been doing a-lot of Ratio pratice, so this is my results and I hope
You really enjoy my little slide-show of how I did my work.
Wednesday, 30 October 2019
Siva Samoa Dance!.
During this term we have been focusing on the topic, Lifes a stage our classes got rotated into diffrent rooms and we moved to different type of dance moves!, I'm very sad that I wasn't able to make it for this dance, but likely my class-mates did so this is a little video of them doing the dance. I hope you enjoy! from yours kindly room 1.
Genomics Hui

Today, A few schools had came to pt england. We had to buddy up in a group of 6 or 7.
I hope all of the schools enjoyed, coming to partner up with the rest of the yr 8s.
BUT I would like to thank all of the teachers for the support, and for making this happen
If you guys weren't here we wouldn't be able to do what we did today.
So I would just like to say a huge THANK YOU! for all the hard work
You guys put in today!.
From yours kindly Pt England School from the yr 8s.
Friday, 18 October 2019
German folk.
This week we've been given a chance to learn different
dances from around the world and see what type of dances
we've never did before.
This video was us practicing, and how we went
and what our first try looked like.
Monday, 14 October 2019
Cheek cells.
Friday, 27 September 2019
Zipzap avenue
Today Pt England school, had got a surprise from our zipzap avenue actors, we got to watch there production video that they have been doing a-lot of practice on.
Out of all the actors, that had there little solo parts my favourite one would have to be the transformers, because they had the best woah's and I found it very trendy and interesting. Because the transformers had the best dancers and they we're just all amazing.
And I really think that the best one is, my friend chance's part I liked it because I thought her outfit was the best, and she looked so call and I really thought that her part was the best part, because she was the leader of the group and I was just so proud of my bestie chance to be the leader.
But I would also like to say congradulations to all of the actors, and the helpers that made this production video, happen if it wasn't for all the helpers and the actors in the production, this little video or act wouldn't have happened without you guys!. So I would just like to say a huge big thank you from the year 7s and 8s for putting togehter this amazing act, and we couldn't have enjoyed it as much as we enjoyed your guys one today!.
Thursday, 26 September 2019
Attitude talks: Cybersmart
Yesterday was a very special and funny day, We we're lucky enough to get an attitude talk by a special person called "Toni" he had introduced his-self to the year 7s and 8s, and told us a little bit about himself.
"Toni," was telling the 7s and 8s a little bit about, Technology, And "Online-Friendships." Because of how 2019 generation, Is all about Technology, and "Social-Media" life. Toni had also told us that people rather text, each other than talk face to face in person.
So Toni didn't come to Pt England school to say that the internet was bad he just came to our school to make sure that if we are using wifi, or other devices that connect to some sort of internet, he wanted us to make sure that we know some safe tips of what to do on, websites, and social media apps.
He told us that we should never ever give out personal information, And if we're gonna make friends online we shouldn't, be having friends online unless we know them in real life, because sometimes you never know it could be somebody being very creepy, or there's other things that could happen in that situation.
So in my point of view you should never ever give out your personal information, and never tell people your last name.
But I had really enjoyed, the attitude from toni because he had told me a-lot of things about the internet and how I can be safe on the wifi, So I would also like to say a big thank you to all of the attitude talkers, who have came to Pt England school, and keep doing your hard-work at intertaining us kids, and helping us be safe in places, and real life.
"Toni," was telling the 7s and 8s a little bit about, Technology, And "Online-Friendships." Because of how 2019 generation, Is all about Technology, and "Social-Media" life. Toni had also told us that people rather text, each other than talk face to face in person.
So Toni didn't come to Pt England school to say that the internet was bad he just came to our school to make sure that if we are using wifi, or other devices that connect to some sort of internet, he wanted us to make sure that we know some safe tips of what to do on, websites, and social media apps.
He told us that we should never ever give out personal information, And if we're gonna make friends online we shouldn't, be having friends online unless we know them in real life, because sometimes you never know it could be somebody being very creepy, or there's other things that could happen in that situation.
So in my point of view you should never ever give out your personal information, and never tell people your last name.
But I had really enjoyed, the attitude from toni because he had told me a-lot of things about the internet and how I can be safe on the wifi, So I would also like to say a big thank you to all of the attitude talkers, who have came to Pt England school, and keep doing your hard-work at intertaining us kids, and helping us be safe in places, and real life.
Wednesday, 25 September 2019
Is Candy Better Than Chocolate.
In my opinion CHOCOLETE Is better than CANDY why you must ask?
Well let me list down a few things that I like about chocolate,
And what I have found out about chocolate.
Okay, so me being so picky over what is better I just really like chocolate,
I've found out that dark chocolate is very healthy for you,
Because it contains some healthy products,
That are useful for your body.
And I also find chocolate better because there are lots of,
Choices to pick between chocolate bars, And I just really think
That chocolate is better than candy because it's yummy,
And it always makes me happy.
So in my opinion CHOCOLATE is better.
Monday, 23 September 2019
Cell plants
Animal cells,
Cell plants,
Week 9
This was some last week that I didn't get to finish so i finished it today
I hope you enjoy my bedmass homework and learn a-lot about what we're
Learning this week.
Friday, 20 September 2019
Cell parts.
This is the subject that my teacher told me to do research, or just to explain about
So I've been told to do a little research on cells and parts that are inside the cells
And this is all the information I could find. I hope you enjoy!
Wednesday, 18 September 2019
Our Cross Country.!
Waking up to a freezing cold breeze blowing through my window, walking out of my bed feeling frozen like ice.
I started getting ready for Pt England Cross Country that will be held on September the 16th, In my head I wasn't ready to run I wasn't prepared for anything to happen so I just kept on thinking about what I was gonna be doing.
I had finally entered the gates out of the year 7s and 8s block, I went inside and heard everybody telling each of there friends how excited they we're to be running and how much they wanted to see everybody wearing colorful colors.
the time had hit for everybody to get changed, in our school you could see all of the house colors, green, blue, yellow, and red. It was exciting to see everybody in there house colors and being so creative with there costumes.
we all started moving towards the courts near the huge field, and watched every year that's in Pt England School have a turn at running around the field, I started to worry about me running around the field because I was getting very scared, because the whole of Pt England School will be watching us.
But at the end of the day I started running with my friends and we had adventurally made it to the end of the race I was very proud of my self and I couldn't believe that I had finish those laps around the massive field I was very proud of myself and I didn't know what to say.
I started getting ready for Pt England Cross Country that will be held on September the 16th, In my head I wasn't ready to run I wasn't prepared for anything to happen so I just kept on thinking about what I was gonna be doing.
I had finally entered the gates out of the year 7s and 8s block, I went inside and heard everybody telling each of there friends how excited they we're to be running and how much they wanted to see everybody wearing colorful colors.
the time had hit for everybody to get changed, in our school you could see all of the house colors, green, blue, yellow, and red. It was exciting to see everybody in there house colors and being so creative with there costumes.
we all started moving towards the courts near the huge field, and watched every year that's in Pt England School have a turn at running around the field, I started to worry about me running around the field because I was getting very scared, because the whole of Pt England School will be watching us.
But at the end of the day I started running with my friends and we had adventurally made it to the end of the race I was very proud of my self and I couldn't believe that I had finish those laps around the massive field I was very proud of myself and I didn't know what to say.
Wednesday, 11 September 2019
The guts.
Through out this week we've been working on this little slide-show
That professors from Auckland university will be studying on. and we've did
a little research on guts, that are inside animal bodies. and I hope you like my research
about this little gross experience but I hope it helped you a-lot.
Looking through mircoscopes.
Today! at pt England school, we got the opportunity to look through some microscopes, and check out some pretty amazing things.
Like we got to see what dna would look like underneath a microscope, and we even got to see some bugs and what there body parts would look like, if we had to look really closely.
I really think that the only thing that had standed out for me about this new experience, is actually getting to use microscopes in person, without being taught how to use them.
We had got told instructions but we got the chance to learn how to use the scopes, and try to find the cells that is inside of the speciman slides.
I would like to say a huge thank you! to Dr Thierry for letting room 1 use there microscopes, we really appericate everything you did for us Dr Thierry and if you weren't here to teach us how to use these microscopes, they probably would of been broken by the time somebody tried to come and get them.
but I would just like to say a huge thank you to you sir! and this special experience wouldn't have ever happened without you not being here. Thank you sir!
Like we got to see what dna would look like underneath a microscope, and we even got to see some bugs and what there body parts would look like, if we had to look really closely.
I really think that the only thing that had standed out for me about this new experience, is actually getting to use microscopes in person, without being taught how to use them.
We had got told instructions but we got the chance to learn how to use the scopes, and try to find the cells that is inside of the speciman slides.
I would like to say a huge thank you! to Dr Thierry for letting room 1 use there microscopes, we really appericate everything you did for us Dr Thierry and if you weren't here to teach us how to use these microscopes, they probably would of been broken by the time somebody tried to come and get them.
but I would just like to say a huge thank you to you sir! and this special experience wouldn't have ever happened without you not being here. Thank you sir!

Friday, 6 September 2019
This week we've been doing some researches about octopuses, and been finding
out a-lot about there bodies and what happens with there body parts, and how there
life-style is like.
This week in inquiry we've been doing a-lot of researches for zebra-fish
in my tracking my learning document, these are the answers and questions
I have for these little fishes and I hope you like them a-lot.
This is a late blog post, but on week 2 we we're doing some multiplication
involving area & perimeter and this is what I have completed from that task.
Introduction to decimals
This week we've been studying about decimals and fractions so far.
This has been my week 7 problem for this term I hope you enjoy it!
Monday, 2 September 2019
The moa.
For writing we have been doing a research about the giant "Moa" bird.
And how it went extincted, we've did a-lot of research and found out,
That scientist want to bring back this amazing bird, but I don't agree with them,
Because other issues could happen. I agree with my little statement of why I don't agree
With the scientist bringing the "Moa" bird back.
What Makes Up A Good Education.
Would you want to know, how to get a good education, and what you can do to have a good future…? Well if you do keep reading!
Having a good education, what could that be. Well maybe we should start off with the small things that everybody can do, waking up early, having a healthy lunch, and paying close attention to the teacher while she’s giving you notes or information for your work.
First, I really think that paying close attention to your teacher will help you a-lot for your exams and tests, because if you don’t listen or pay any attention you won’t know how to find the answer to what your trying to figure out or won’t know how to find the answer.
Second, Don’t talk when the teacher is talking, I really think that not talking when the teacher is talking is showing that you have respect for that person, and also I really think not talking to when the teacher is talking is very respectful because I really think you wouldn’t like it if you we’re talking and somebody kept talking when you we’re talking so, I really think that not talking when the teacher is talking it’s very respectful.
And third of all, just simply looking at the teacher and showing her or him that you paying attention and listening to them, could just help and make there working time a-lot easier, or even asking them if they need a hand with something that could be very nice for the teacher.
So I really think that having a good education, to start off with that I really think you should be having close connection with your teachers or even just having a little connection with your teacher could help you a-lot. Through out your life.
This week we have been reading a story book, that has been about battle's.
we've wondered and had talks about how we can finish this slide-show off
and what we're the correct answers that could be put into this slide-show.
So this is all of the answers I have managed to put into my slide-show and I hope
they could explain heaps of details about 'battle', the story we've been reading about!.
What Makes Up A Good Friend.
What makes up a ‘good friend’ and how to find out if you have one.
Good moments, Bad moments, there’s always that one person who can
bring a smile to your face, If you wanna find out what makes a ‘good friend’ then keep
bring a smile to your face, If you wanna find out what makes a ‘good friend’ then keep
In my point of view I’ve found out a-lot of things about having loyal friends. Loyal friends
could just be people who take time to listen to you if you’re having a hard time, or even
just somebody who keeps you company 24/7 that could make up a ‘good friend’
could just be people who take time to listen to you if you’re having a hard time, or even
just somebody who keeps you company 24/7 that could make up a ‘good friend’
Or you could just have that one person who stands out to you, out of your group of
friends. Like you could have a really strong connection with them or even just knowing
you guys have something in common with each-other.
friends. Like you could have a really strong connection with them or even just knowing
you guys have something in common with each-other.
But I really think that having a ‘good friend’ does help in life because sometimes your
always gonna need that one person who is always gonna be by your side and who is
always gonna encourage you and others.
always gonna need that one person who is always gonna be by your side and who is
always gonna encourage you and others.
So what I really think is that having a ‘good friend’ helps everybody once in a while, and
I really think that you don’t need to change your group of friends who your hanging out
with, if you don’t think there the right friends for you then I think you should do
about that, but I also think that you shouldn’t leave your friends who have been by your
side just to make new friends. So I really suggest stay loyal to your friends, and never lie
to them.
I really think that you don’t need to change your group of friends who your hanging out
with, if you don’t think there the right friends for you then I think you should do
about that, but I also think that you shouldn’t leave your friends who have been by your
side just to make new friends. So I really suggest stay loyal to your friends, and never lie
to them.
Tuesday, 27 August 2019
Area, Perimeter & Volume.
This week we've been doing a-lot of area and perimeter and volume, task and I
hope this week I can show you a-lot of things that we have did in our task.
Monday, 26 August 2019
This week we've been doing a-lot of task with multiplications and this is how I did it.
Match report.
Task description: This week my reading group has been reading a book called "Match-reports"
I've found out a-lot about this young-boy and his grand-son, and I know that the both of them
got very creative minds and have huge imaginations.
Friday, 23 August 2019
Introduction Persuasive Writing.
Walt: I was given a task by my literacy teacher we we're gave I think 4 or 5
Questions that we had to pick and see if we agree or disagree with her thoughts.
We had to write in our own words what we thought was good enough, and why people
Should other "Agree" or "Disagree" with my thought. I really hope you understand
My point of view and why I picked this reason and why you should agree with it.
Introduction Persuasive Writing
Walt: This week we've been learning about
How to do persuasive writings and given task
to write about I picked out a really simple little sentence to pick out
and write about, and that was. Why do students wear uniform?
I really hope you agree with my answers and questions and hope people
can actually be open hearted about this kind of stuff.
Wednesday, 21 August 2019
Genomics, the tree of life.
Walt: This was our first penn movie about genomics. well this is a little clip of what me and my team or class-room was doing for genomics we had to share our experience with all the other years and classes around the school so we got the chance to make a little clip about what we did. I hope you enjoy!
Fragile web of life
For the past weeks weeks we’ve been doing a-lot of research and brainstorming with my
class, We’ve been learning about the tree of life and how other animals evolved in other places
around the world.
class, We’ve been learning about the tree of life and how other animals evolved in other places
around the world.
We’ve also learnt that there is more smaller creatures that we haven’t found because they are
too little to see and if we wanted to see them we would have to at least use a microscope to see
them, I’ve also found out that animals have evolved more and more and light and energy and
water is possible to make life.
too little to see and if we wanted to see them we would have to at least use a microscope to see
them, I’ve also found out that animals have evolved more and more and light and energy and
water is possible to make life.
This is my little paragraph about our little research the picture is half of the brainstorming that
we have did around the past weeks.
we have did around the past weeks.
I hope you enjoy!!.
Monday, 19 August 2019
This week for inquiry we've been learning about octopuses
and how there bodies are kinda the same as human-beings.
We've been finding out a-lot of information about octopuses
and how there strange bodies can be compared to humans.
I've found out that they are very capable of doing amazing things
that are very intelligence and requires a-lot of control.
I have found out that there are a-lot of different types of ways
that they can warn other creatures of the same specifies to
warn each other by changing different types of colors to warn
They also have to make a-lot of decisions every single day to find out
how they will be surviving in the wild and how many times they need to
camouflage, did you also know that octopuses could also make bee-lines
even through they have short-term memory lost they have ways
of finding there ways back home.
I hope this little research of me finding out how the octopus body works,
helped you learn more about octopuses and also got your interested of learning
about octopuses yourself.
Walt: This week we have been doing a research on octopuses and we've learnt a-lot of things about them, I've found out a few facts that I have never knew about octopuses, We've also learnt what they do in life to survive and also learnt what they do to feed there kids.
and how there bodies are kinda the same as human-beings.
We've been finding out a-lot of information about octopuses
and how there strange bodies can be compared to humans.
I've found out that they are very capable of doing amazing things
that are very intelligence and requires a-lot of control.
I have found out that there are a-lot of different types of ways
that they can warn other creatures of the same specifies to
warn each other by changing different types of colors to warn
They also have to make a-lot of decisions every single day to find out
how they will be surviving in the wild and how many times they need to
camouflage, did you also know that octopuses could also make bee-lines
even through they have short-term memory lost they have ways
of finding there ways back home.
I hope this little research of me finding out how the octopus body works,
helped you learn more about octopuses and also got your interested of learning
about octopuses yourself.
Walt: This week we have been doing a research on octopuses and we've learnt a-lot of things about them, I've found out a few facts that I have never knew about octopuses, We've also learnt what they do in life to survive and also learnt what they do to feed there kids.
We we're writing about a little story about a little boy called "Benny"
we had to figure out his issues and how we could solve them I hope you
enjoy and hope my answers can help you if your in these types of situations.
Tuesday, 13 August 2019
Butter chickennn!!!
Today! we had a task at Tamaki collage cooking.
To make butter chicken we had all our steps to do step by step on the front board.
1. Dice the onions, chicken.
2. Fry all the ingredients together until it's cooked
3. Add your seasonings and other spices into your food.
4. Enjoy your yummy butter chicken.
I hope these step by step rules on teaching you to learn how to make your own homemade butter chicken at home. Enjoy!
Thursday, 1 August 2019
Hoilday Writing
Hoilday, Writing!
So my teacher had gave me an idea to write about my hoilday
but to be honest I really didn’t do that much exciting things in
the hoilday’s I mainly stayed home went out some days slept in
through-out the hoilday and watched a-lot of movies and spent
quality time with my family!. But I can’t really say much about
my hoilday cause it wasn’t that fun. So I hope you liked my little
paragraph about my little story that I had in the hoilday’s and
how much fun it was.
but to be honest I really didn’t do that much exciting things in
the hoilday’s I mainly stayed home went out some days slept in
through-out the hoilday and watched a-lot of movies and spent
quality time with my family!. But I can’t really say much about
my hoilday cause it wasn’t that fun. So I hope you liked my little
paragraph about my little story that I had in the hoilday’s and
how much fun it was.
Immersion Assembly
Immersion Assembly
On a cold winter's freezing cold morning, as me and the year 8s
we’re walking into the hall smelling and hearing all the little
kids screaming of joy and excitement.
we’re walking into the hall smelling and hearing all the little
kids screaming of joy and excitement.
I couldn’t imagine what today was going to be like! I was
thinking to myself what would our topic be, what will all the
teachers crazy costumes and goofy movies be like..?
thinking to myself what would our topic be, what will all the
teachers crazy costumes and goofy movies be like..?
As we all sat down at once the movies had began, year by year
each going up and showing their little movie and presentation,
and explain to everybody what they will be learning about.
each going up and showing their little movie and presentation,
and explain to everybody what they will be learning about.
I really think my favourite year would be the year 1s, Because I
found it very entertaining with them driving into the water and
helping us and showing us what the sea-life creatures looked
like in their habitats and how we could help them to fix
everything, and save our sea-life creatures.
found it very entertaining with them driving into the water and
helping us and showing us what the sea-life creatures looked
like in their habitats and how we could help them to fix
everything, and save our sea-life creatures.
I would also like to say a big thank you! Too all the teachers
for taking their time to make a simple little movie just to
explain to us what we will be learning about, and I know you
guys would have to take in a lot of hours and minutes of your
holiday just to make a simple little clip for us, and we really
appreciate the hard work you guys do for us! And again I would
just like to say a big Thank you! To all the teachers.
for taking their time to make a simple little movie just to
explain to us what we will be learning about, and I know you
guys would have to take in a lot of hours and minutes of your
holiday just to make a simple little clip for us, and we really
appreciate the hard work you guys do for us! And again I would
just like to say a big Thank you! To all the teachers.
Introduction on a persuasive writing!
This week our literacy teacher had gave us a challenge to see what we knew
about a "Persuasive writing" So these are the Idea's I had came up with and
A few Idea's I thought a "Persuasive writing" Needed.
Hatter's gold
This week we've been given a task to do for our first week back to school, From our little break
Of term 3. and this is what I have did for the pass week for now. I hope you really enjoy my little
Presentation of hatter's gold.
Wednesday, 31 July 2019
Digital dig.
Digital dig - This inquiry session or session where we have inquiry.
We've been training and learning about how to finish our digital dig
Slide, we've been doing it for the pass 2 weeks for our cybersmart work.
Tuesday, 30 July 2019
Creating chicken wraps
Today we attended cooking at tamaki collage
Like a normal Tuesday, we we're very lucky to make a chicken wrap with
Our cooking teacher. I hope you enjoyed our yummy wrap that was made with
Diced, Lettuce, Tomatoes and cheese and for the seasoning mayonaise.
These are a very yummy snack to make just for a little event
I hope you can try and make one to enjoy!!
Chicken wraps,
Tamaki collage,
week 2
Mahy - Term 3 Week 2
This week we had our second week of literacy work, we had to finish of our
work by the end of the week.
Monday, 29 July 2019
Tree of life

Last week we had a little challenge from our home-room teacher
she challenged us to see if we could find the spots where we had to put the missing piece's in
- This was our finish project from the tree of life that we had to put back together -
Width & Length
This math block we've had a challenge request from our teacher
to see if we could get in a group and make a
little video of how we solve this question out
I hope you enjoy the way we did it.
Friday, 5 July 2019
Where in the longitude are you?
I've been rushed to public this blog post, I haven't finished all the work
So this is some unfinished work, I'm really hoping that I will be able to update
this blog post and have it all finished for you.
What my interest about africa are about
Africa - I have been doing some researches about africa, Like the common things that you would
Normally do in africa, or your research about, Like what type of animals they have in africa
What language they all speak the most, and how many people would travel there.
I really hope my little research helped you a little bit to know something about africa.
Blog analysis
My teacher decided my home-class should make an blog analysis, about how many post I have did
for these pass years, I have really found out I haven't been doing that much. And I'm really going to be trying to fix this issue, and blog more often.
for these pass years, I have really found out I haven't been doing that much. And I'm really going to be trying to fix this issue, and blog more often.
little adventure around the world
This week we have been doing an animation about, what our dream places are
and what we would like to visit in that country, I've selected a few places
where I would like to go.
Tuesday, 25 June 2019
Immersion assembly week 1
Have u ever seen crazy Lip Synced teachers? Well today, that has
happened. Walking into the hall hearing kids screaming with “Joy” Seeing all the
little kids smile as they saw there teachers dressed up in crazy costume’s. And being
silly, and entertaining the kids as they we’re walking in, After our little set ups and
morning starting of the day, we got to see what our teachers did while we we’re on
Holiday's and how creative there movies we’re. Every teacher had there own creative
video or play to do on our stage, to entertain the kids and also show us what our theme
was gonna be this year, listening, Singing along, and having “Joy” Was my favorite thing
about our assembly. I would like to thank all the teachers for there hard-working.
And taking there time just to make a small little clip or even a play for us. We appreciate
everything you do for us and can’t want to see more.
happened. Walking into the hall hearing kids screaming with “Joy” Seeing all the
little kids smile as they saw there teachers dressed up in crazy costume’s. And being
silly, and entertaining the kids as they we’re walking in, After our little set ups and
morning starting of the day, we got to see what our teachers did while we we’re on
Holiday's and how creative there movies we’re. Every teacher had there own creative
video or play to do on our stage, to entertain the kids and also show us what our theme
was gonna be this year, listening, Singing along, and having “Joy” Was my favorite thing
about our assembly. I would like to thank all the teachers for there hard-working.
And taking there time just to make a small little clip or even a play for us. We appreciate
everything you do for us and can’t want to see more.
King and Country
Term 2, Week 1.
We have been learning about King and Country and how things
would work out between the to cultural countries
Friday, 7 June 2019
Nga Taatarakihi o Parihaka
Walt:Reading for this week - Finished home-work.
Thursday, 30 May 2019
Jack & The beanstalk
Once a upon time there was a boy named “Jack” He lived in a very poor community his
family wasn’t very rich, and he didn’t have that much stuff that the other kids had, so it was very
hard for him to fit in with other people.
family wasn’t very rich, and he didn’t have that much stuff that the other kids had, so it was very
hard for him to fit in with other people.
One day he went exploring to find something to eat for there family, then he walked upon an elderly
man, he was gonna give “Jack” A deal he would give “Jack” 3 magical beans but the old man gave
him no permission to plant them, he said only plant them incase of an emegency.
man, he was gonna give “Jack” A deal he would give “Jack” 3 magical beans but the old man gave
him no permission to plant them, he said only plant them incase of an emegency.
“Jack” Had took the deal and happly walked home, As he walked inside he told his “Mum” The
exciting news, But he knew she wasn’t very pleased about what he did, So she told him to plant the
beans and hope they grow quickly, “Jack” Planted each seed one by one and kept saying My beans
will grow strong and big.
exciting news, But he knew she wasn’t very pleased about what he did, So she told him to plant the
beans and hope they grow quickly, “Jack” Planted each seed one by one and kept saying My beans
will grow strong and big.
5 Minutes later, something magical had happened but something really bad “Jack” Had caused a huge
beanstalk to grow all the way up into the clouds and never come down, “Jack” realised that he made a
big mistake, and couldn’t do anything about it. What do you think will happen next to be continued
beanstalk to grow all the way up into the clouds and never come down, “Jack” realised that he made a
big mistake, and couldn’t do anything about it. What do you think will happen next to be continued
An Unfinished tale story.
MeMe and Me
Walt: MeMe and Me - Finished Work
Tuesday, 28 May 2019
Screencastify ~ Fortnite map
Walt: We had a task of trying to do screencastify
with a buddy and see how our progress will work
I really hope you enjoy this video.
Battleship coordinate's
Walt: Our teacher gave us a little task or game of battleship while using Coordinate
Lines, And this is how it went.
Friday, 10 May 2019
Exploring North America.
Today in inquiry we have been exploring around north america and finding things to do while we are there, Or our future places to go to while we are in america, We had to find some idea's for what we we're gonna do in america, Besides eating and our normal life style things we would do on a normal day. So these are the idea's I had came up with.
Friday, 15 March 2019
Where should Miss Tele'a Put Her T.V
Hi "Miss Tele’a", I see that you having an issue with finding out where to put your T.V that’s
where I can come in and help you, To place your new flash T.V.
where I can come in and help you, To place your new flash T.V.
I really think it would be a good idea, To place your new T.V In the living room,
Because there’s lots of reason’s why you should put the T.V there.
Because there’s lots of reason’s why you should put the T.V there.
First reason, You could have some guest coming around to your house, Or even family
member’s. And they maybe bring there kids around, And you want of course you wanna talk
to the adult’s, and not go running after the kid’s, So that’s when the T.V can come in and keep
them occupied, By watching a program or movie.
member’s. And they maybe bring there kids around, And you want of course you wanna talk
to the adult’s, and not go running after the kid’s, So that’s when the T.V can come in and keep
them occupied, By watching a program or movie.
And I know their can be other thing’s that could go wrong with putting the T.V in the living room,
Like baby could push it over, Or there could be other thing’s, Like people could bust it over,
push it over, or could some how break the screen.
Like baby could push it over, Or there could be other thing’s, Like people could bust it over,
push it over, or could some how break the screen.
I hope you really, Think that putting the T.V in the living room is a good idea, And I understand
if you don’t agree with putting the New T.V in the living room because lots of thing’s could
happen if you put the T.V in the living room. I hope you understand what point I am going with
your’s kindly.
Walt: This is writing that we had to do, We got the chance to help out our teacher, with her little
Issue, She was thinking of putting her new T.V in the living room or her bed room.
if you don’t agree with putting the New T.V in the living room because lots of thing’s could
happen if you put the T.V in the living room. I hope you understand what point I am going with
your’s kindly.
Walt: This is writing that we had to do, We got the chance to help out our teacher, with her little
Issue, She was thinking of putting her new T.V in the living room or her bed room.
Waking, up in the morning to a cold breeze, Today i’m excited cause the year 7s &
8s got the chance to go to polyfest, If you don’t know what polyfest is I can give you
a little explaination, Of what “Polyfest” Is. “Polyfest” is an event that happens in
new zealand it’s the largest school cultural event, with almost 10,000 performers
every year.
8s got the chance to go to polyfest, If you don’t know what polyfest is I can give you
a little explaination, Of what “Polyfest” Is. “Polyfest” is an event that happens in
new zealand it’s the largest school cultural event, with almost 10,000 performers
every year.
We got put into, Pod’s of 5 I was in pod 2, Our helper’s we’re “Miss moala”
and “Miss Tapuke”. We had some activites to do, To keep us occupied for the day,
Driving towards manurewa waiting until we get there, as we got to the bus stop seeing
the other schools walking towards the entrance was making me more excited to be
going to “Polyfest”.
and “Miss Tapuke”. We had some activites to do, To keep us occupied for the day,
Driving towards manurewa waiting until we get there, as we got to the bus stop seeing
the other schools walking towards the entrance was making me more excited to be
going to “Polyfest”.
Walking through, And passing the other school’s, We got introduced to our
guiding person, who was taking us through the polyfest, She was a very kind person
I thought to myself was activites we’re we going to do, We had some pretty weird
thing’s to do that you wouldn’t expect to do in polyfest, we had virutal reality, Singing
challenge’s, and dance off battles between 5 school’s.
guiding person, who was taking us through the polyfest, She was a very kind person
I thought to myself was activites we’re we going to do, We had some pretty weird
thing’s to do that you wouldn’t expect to do in polyfest, we had virutal reality, Singing
challenge’s, and dance off battles between 5 school’s.
Polyfest was the best event we had this, Term I can’t wait until more come
along, I hope you enjoyed my story about polyfest.
along, I hope you enjoyed my story about polyfest.
These we're some photo's from polyfest.

Friday, 8 March 2019
Monday, 4 March 2019
Man & sea.
Week 4, We have been learning about man and sea it's like the new movie
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